Picture gallery of VSA and VO

Transport of 1 m aperture telescope from Italy to Visnjan -->

<-- Group picture from Messier Marathon 96'

A brook in Siberia, from expedition Tunguska 1990. -->

<-- Forest destroyed by the 1908. Tunguska blast

University Building in Tomsk, Russia -->

<-- Korado Korlevic, from expedition Tunguska 1990.

Measuring magnetism on site in Tunguska -->

<-- A swamp in Tunguska, epicenter of 1908. blast

Forested terrain in Tunguska, from expedition Tunguska 1990. -->

<-- Artisitc view of plasma cloud from Tunguska 1908.

Group picture from VSA 1993. -->

<-- Group picture in front of Dormitorium of Visnjan Observatory

Work in groups during VSA 94' -->

<-- The roofs of Rijeka, looking from a tall building

An imposing old building in Russia -->

<-- Aerial view of Podkamenaja Tunguska river, close to the center of Tunguska blast

A view of swampy area in Tunguska, from expedition Tunguska 1990. -->

<-- Korado Korlevic by a tree, looking for tar samples in Tunguska

The proportional man from Leonardo da Vinci -->

<--A map of Tunguska area, epicenter of 1908. blast

Korado Korlevic and others next to the mirror with a 1 m diameter -->

<-- A telescope with a 1 m diameter in its former location

A telescope in the dome -->

<-- View of telescope that is currently in Visnjan Observatory dome.

A view of sleeping hall of VSA in Visnjan-->

<-- Chopping wood in Tunguska

Transport of telescope with a 1 m diameter from Italy -->

<-- Tar samples from Tunguska under electronic microscope

A wood sample, the source of tar samples from Tunguska -->

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Last updated: 10.08.1996.