On the end of the workshop, all the achived results, are supposed to be published on the teams web pages, Minor Planets Circulars, WGN and other specialized places.

The official languages are the Croatian and English, and depends of team members cnowelage or lecturer (usualy for the informal excange the Italian is also heard). To maintain the high level of work and involvement of these workshop, we plan the programe for 18 pupils (grade8-12).


12 do 13 - Getting up - lunch
14 do 16 - Team work-data reduction
17 do 19 - All teams day lecture
19 do 20 - Dinner
21 do 22 - Before the work briefing
22 do 01 - Observations
24 do 01 - Breakfast
01 do 04 - Observations
04 do 05 - Time to go to bed


During the excursions day and bad weather situations the day program will change. The teams that have "spare time", will  join the meteor observing groups, make the data "mining" or polish their data reduction/report/homepage.

This big orange box is here because these space seems empty without....


Image 1. 
The creative mess, during the data reduction in the observatory. If the computers are on, the mean room temperature is something as 42 C.